My Dog Is 6 months old and Not Potty Trained

Being a puppy owner, you may have a set timeline in mind about when your puppy must be trained. But you must know that not every dog is the same and you need to be patient with the little creature. If you are at the point where you wonder to yourself “my dog is 6 months old and not potty trained, will this go on forever?”; you must know that you are not alone in this.  Having a 6 months old dog that is not potty trained is something very common and not to be worried about at all. 

Here is a little guide to potty train a 6 months old dog: 

my dog is 6 months old and not potty trained


Just like babies, the bladder muscles and potty training skills of dogs take time to develop. Potty training is a skill that puppies aren’t born with. They learn and adapt it over time. Since every dog is different, the bladder muscles of most dogs develop around the age of 6 months. At this point, they can hold it for a good 6 -7 hours. But if your 6 month old puppy and not potty trained, there might be few reasons for it, such as: 

  • Your dog is under training. 
  • Your dog needs some behavioral training to learn the skill fully. 
  • Your dog had an abusive past. 
  • Your dog does not have any general training. 
  • Your dog has spent time at a local animal shelter. 


Finding accidents by your 6-month-old dog can be frustrating. Before you fret you must know that a 6 months old puppy is very easy to train since it’s young and a quick learner. All you need to do is be patient and train it slowly. Let’s get started now: 


First things first, you need to monitor your puppy closely and take mental notes of their routine. Puppies and even adult dogs show some typical signs when they have to go. When you get to know that they are about to do the deed, you can instruct them to go outside or to their litter box. This helps a lot in house training them and is usually considered the first step. Here are the signs that you need to keep an eye at: 

Step No 1: Your dog is sniffing around to look for a perfect place where they can pee or poop. 

Step No 2: Your dog has started to circle around a specific spot which means they have found the perfect spot and are ready to go anytime. 

Step No 3: Your pup has straightened the back legs and the tail is up too. 

When you see your dog doing steps no 1 and 2, you must direct them to go outside in order to save yourself from some cleaning work later. 

In addition to that keep an eye on the little pup. They tend to sneak in places they shouldn’t be in and do the deed there. 


Dogs crave routine and once you set a schedule, it becomes easier to train them. Start potty training them earlier by taking them out for a potty break every hour. There are few important times in a day when you must take them out. First when they wake up in the morning and secondly when they have eaten or drunk something. One thing that you must make part of your dog’s routine is to take it out at the same spot and tell it “go potty” politely. Do not wait for the puppy to tell you when it’s time to go. Instead, set the routine yourself. 


The most thing to remember while potty training your dog is to be polite with it. Do not scold or snub it when accidents occur, this way your little pup will start shying away from you. Be friends with him and train him with patience and calmness. Put on a collar and a leash every time you go out. This develops the bonding between the owner and the pet. Use it only for keeping the dog closer to you and not for pulling. 


Dogs like to be in a den, that’s why they are often known as den animals. So at times when you cannot keep an eye on him, crate him. This gives a sense of privacy as well as security to the puppy. Prep the crate nicely with a soft quilt and a chew toy. Train him to go into the crate if you are going to sit for dinner or are going to answer the phone. Send him into the crate nicely always and never say strictly. By nature, dogs happen to be clean animals. When in their den, they wouldn’t like to litter their quilt and thus ask you to get them out every time they need to go. Some dens are big enough for the dog to stand and turn. In that case, dogs often go to the corner and eliminate. There are some dens available that have a separate area designated for elimination. No wonder, the crate is known as the best potty training tool for dogs. 


Dogs are wiser than you think. In order to get them trained as you want, you need to use the “reward technique”. This is effective for both general as well as potty training. Every time your dog does something good or obeys your command, you must reward him with a little treat or a chew toy. The same goes for potty training. Ask your dog to “go for it” and if he does give him a little reward. You can also play with your dog as a reward or praise him too. This will help him to train faster as he will look forward to being treated. 


After looking at the tips and ways to potty train your 6 months old puppy, you need to know a few ‘donts’as well. Here is a list of all the things that you must not do while potty training your 6 months old puppy: 

Say no to Potty Pads: Many pet owners make the mistake of using potty pads to train their pets. The fact is it often plays the role of a roadblock in the training. When you use potty pads for dogs, they think it is okay to pee and poop on the floor or a sofa. Or they would be trained to go on the pad each time. 

Do not Punish your Puppy: If you punish your young puppy for the accidents, the young animal will start to fear you. The fear may lead to other self-destructive behaviors. 

Do not Compromise on Hygiene: You must not compromise on the cleaning of the dog and its crate. Use an enzymatic cleaner and make sure there is not even the slightest odor left behind. 

Do not Restrict them: Many dog owners make the mistake of restricting the poor animals in order to train them. Dogs don’t like to be restricted at all. So instead of confining them to their crate every time, leave them free. Keep an eye on them and direct them to go out when you see them in need of urinating or eliminating. 

Do not Skip on Rewards: Don’t be a harsh teacher. Instead, treat your dog every now and then to invoke the need for good behaviors in them. Every time they go as per your direction, reward them nicely. This will help them train faster. 


Potty training a 6 months old dog requires patience. Be nice to your young canine and use different tips and techniques to train them. Praise them often and bind with them. In no time they will adapt the skill and be properly trained. So now it should be clear in your mind about what to do if your dog is 6 months old and not potty trained.

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