When is it too hot to walk a dog?

Struggling when temperature extremes can be very difficult at times. It is, in particular, more demanding when you live somewhere which has either very hot days or very cold days. This means that more than half a year, there will likely be one of the temperature extremes.

It’s not only the human beings who suffer from it but also the animals. If you have a dog at home, you will particularly go on about asking a question like when is it too hot to walk a dog.

Dogs, just like human beings suffer from heatstroke all around the globe. Heat strokes are a very dangerous thing. In fact not only does a heat stroke make you very sick, but it can also often lead to death. That’s not it.

Among many other heat-related problems, one such is your dog burning their paws when they walk on hot tarmac or concrete. But, how do you stop it or, more importantly, how do you know when to stop?

On days when you are stuck with a question like that, chances are that you are caught up in the middle of nowhere. However, my best advice is to make your full research before stepping out.

In this guide, we are going to see which temperature range is best suited for dogs to take a walk and which one is out of the question.

when is it too hot to walk a dog

The ever-changing weather conditions

Are dogs generally good at adopting the ever changing weather conditions?

On a broad spectrum, the answer is yes. Dogs make excellent pets at getting used to fluctuating weather conditions. Typically, Golden Retriever, Labrador, German shepherd are found to be very cooperative.

This study helps in reassuring that dogs are generally good to be kept as pets in terms that they will not require way too much effort to be kept and certainly not any unnecessary tantrums.

However, not every breed may be good at it. That alone makes up a big detailed guide.

Hottest temperature to walk a dog at

According to studies conducted, 68F is a safe temperature to walk a dog at. If you are taking your dog for a walk and the temperature exceeds this, you must be cautious.

Anything that exceeds 77F is dangerous for your dog. In fact, it becomes near to unbearable at 70F where you should generally just stop your dog from taking a walk until the weather softens up a bit.

But again, different breeds have different tolerance levels. Depending on the size, height, fur of the dog, you can make the right decision.

Although the temperature mentioned above comprises most dogs. While it is not precisely accurate for all breeds, it is very close to most.

Breaking it down simply, 68F is where you should be alarmed, 70F is when your dog shouldn’t be walking unless maybe your car breaks down and walking on foot is the only option AND, 77F is where letting your dog walk is no more a viable option anymore.

Finding clues when it isn’t right to walk

Now, the question arises as to how you are going to find out which temperature becomes too much for them.

A simple and most obvious method is to look for the temperature. But, that’s now how things work.

The temperature you feel and what it actually is is different.

For instance, if the weather app in your phone is showing the actual temperature is 32 degrees, under the “feels like” section you will see another temperature. That temperature shows how and what effect the actual temperature has on you.

So, from our presumed temperature from the weather app, the feel like section would probably show somewhere about 36 degrees.

This brings us back to our question, how do you find the accurate temperature?

5 seconds rule

Our discovery above leads us to a very important rule, the five seconds rule.

What you as a person would feel the temperature outside may not be the same for your dog. The difference also makes up for the fact that we humans do not take a walk outside barefoot but the dogs do.

There’s clearly no helping in that. This is why we use the five seconds rule for them.

The five seconds rule is where you use the back of your hand and put it on hot tarmac or concrete for a minimum of five seconds. If in these five seconds you feel the scorching heat of the ground that means it is not safe for your dog too.

While we generally use the rule for five seconds, I would advise you to make it longer than that. There’s also one more thing you should bring your focus to.

Imagine you were doing this test right in front of your house. On one hot sunny day, you decide to make full use of this particular test to find out if it is too hot for your dog to take a walk. Hence, you sit down and put the back of your hand on the ground for five seconds or longer and see that although the weather is too hot, your hand isn’t burning.

However, you forgot to see that where you put your hand the area was shaded by a tree or any other thing. That’s how you could not feel the gravity of heat whereas the other areas may be hotter than that.

In any case, this is the kind of mistake you should avoid in any situation. To do so, make sure you conduct the test at two or three different places so that you are fully reassured.

The coldest extremes

Just like the hot, the cold also gets to the dog when the temperature goes too down. Just like on hot days, anything above 77F is risky for dogs, similarly, on cold days, the weather colder than 45F can become uncomfortable for the dogs.

Yet again, this varies from breed to breed, depending on the fur on their bodies and other likely factors that determine your tolerance level for cold weather.

Generally, dogs who are used to living in typically cool areas can live under 45F too. This is because they already are used to cool conditions so they can adjust slightly better than other dogs.

However, let’s say another dog who lives in an area where the weather usually is in or around 60F will definitely feel cold in 45F. Hence different factors accompany this fact.

Best suited temperature for a walk

Now that we have found out the two harsh extremes, one for cold and the other for hot, it is time we work out the temperature best suited for your dog to take a walk.

They say excess of everything is bad. It is quite appropriate when the excess comes out in the form of too much heat or too much cold. This is why we love and want everything in moderateness.

The mild warmth of the air when the winters are about to end and, the slightly cool breezes when the summers hint to be leaving feels extremely good to everyone. Animals seem to be loving weather like this.

For your dog, you should definitely make full use of this pleasant weather and take them out for walks. There are a hundred percent chances that your dog will love to roam around in a weather like that.

More better precision, good weather for a dog walk in what lies between 53F to 59F.

It may go a degree or two above or below which again is bearable. However, a temperature that is way further than this should be avoided at all costs.

Dangers to the paws

So, what do we do when the temperature outside is too hot for your dog to take a walk?

Well, there’s typically nothing you can do to stop Mother Nature from exhibiting its very normal processes. In easier words, you cannot help with the temperature going down or up.

However, you can take the necessary measures to avoid your dog from getting its paws burnt.

For one, the best thing to do in times like this is to avoid going out. Like we discussed earlier, at a certain temperature, the safest option is to stay indoors and entertain your dog using an alternative.

H3 Alternatives

These alternatives can be anything which your dog loves doing. Stay indoors and let them play with their favorite toys. Throw them a ball and watch them run around with simple pure joy.

In the scorching heat, what could be better than a nice and cold bath? If you have a swimming pool then fill it with water and let your dog have a good bath. You can add some more fun using a water pipe and enjoying the day with them.

Whatever it is, make sure it is what your dog enjoys doing.

Walk on the grass

If no other power is stopping you and your dog from going out, the best thing you can do for them is let them walk on the grass. This should avoid your dog from burning its paws from walking on hot concrete, sand, or stones.

Grass will be slightly cooler to walk on. Although this will not bring in a major difference.

Dog shoes and socks

Were you aware of the fact that dogs have their own shoes and socks manufactured?

This is the cutest information we came across. So, why not get this cute invention to come in handy when you actually need it?

The dog’s shoes are specifically designed to protect their paws from getting burned or cut. Similarly, the socks are made from a material that will protect their paws. Although ideally, socks are used in winters.

Bottom line

All in all, keeping a dog and protecting it from any heat-related issue has to be one of your priorities.

Summing it up from what we learned from this guide, make the best possible decision which you think complies with the situation. Rest assured, a day too hot is a day you spend laying around at home.

Otherwise, turning to your safest option can help you in many more ways than you can imagine.

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