Can Changing Dog Food Cause Blood in Stool

Switching dog food cold turkey is never recommended. If you do, changing dog food can cause blood in the stool. So always change your dog’s food by one serving per time to make sure that his digestive system accepts the food.

Can changing dog food cause blood in stool

Why does changing dog food cause blood in stool?

Although the prime factor in Dogs pooping blood and vomiting is usually parasites. So the first option is to check if your dog has parasites and deworm him.

However, if you have changed dog food, there are chances that the food has messed up dogs’ intestinal bacteria. This disturbs the balance and promotes bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. A toxin released by those bacteria can damage the inner lining of the large intestine causing the blood to pass into the stool.

This is a treatable condition. You will need to get your dog’s poop sample checked and the vet can prescribe antibiotics for this.

What happens when you switch dog food too fast

Your dogs take time to accept the new food in their system. When you bluntly change the dog food too fast, it can cause



And upset stomach

As some dogs have sensitive stomachs, instead of directly switching their food, transition slowly. Take a good week or even two to make sure your that dog is fully ready to take a new diet.

Can dog food makes dogs bleed?

Apart from the food switch, the food itself can also cause bleeding in your dog’s stool. This happens when

  • Your dog is allergic to any ingredient in dog food
  • He already has the gastrointestinal disease
  • Your dog has a food intolerance.

Vets call all these “adverse food reactions”. Adverse food reactions can cause

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • diarrhea and bloody stool,
  • Skin inflammation and itch
  • Hair loss
  • Rashes
  • Reduced hunger

usually, sometimes when your pet switch from puppy food to adult dog food, it can cause blood in the stool.

Will blood in dogs’ food go away on its own

Whatever the reason is, never leave your dog untreated, thinking that the blood will go away on its own. If you think your pet’s food is causing blood in stool, you have to take a fecal test. Submit the fecal sample for possible diagnosis.

The simple diagnosis is switching to light and hypoallergenic diet for 8 weeks. If the symptoms go away, it means food alone was causing blood in poop. Your vet will decide what to feed your dog after 8 weeks.

What could be other possible reasons for bloody stool?

Blood in your pet’s stool is a tricky situation. Sometimes it’s just a one-time thing. And sometimes it could be very serious. Other possible reasons for blood in your dog’s stool could be

  • Stress factor. (Though Changing food also contributes to it).
  • Your dog has eaten something poisonous.
  • Eating something dogs are not supposed to eat. For instance, eating grass cause bloody stool in dogs
  • Blockages in intestinal tracts
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
  • Food allergy
  • Colitis
  • Injury
  • Polyps
  • Constipation
  • Bacterial and viral infection
  • Cancer

To rule out everything, talk to your vet. Carefully observe the dog’s poop, its texture, and the color of the blood. You might take Picture of dogs poop with blood to show your vet. The treatment will depend upon the diagnosis.

If there is blood on the dog’s stool but he is acting normal. Maybe it is not a serious cause of concern. This will go away with simple antibiotics and safety measures. However, if your dog is being lethargic and not showing interest in eating, this is the first symptom of an emergency.

Can raw dog food cause blood in stool

You should not feed your dog raw food anyway. Raw food especially meat can contain bacteria that will cause upset stomachs and inflammation in dogs causing diarrhea. Prolonged diarrhea can also cause blood in dog poop.

Also, raw food can pass down worms and parasites in dog bodies causing bloody stools.

What does dog poop like jelly with blood means?

Normally blood in dog stool is caused by problems in the lower digestive tract. However, if there is an issue in the upper digestive tract, the dog will pass out jelly-like, sticky, and bloody stool. Dark blood is usually hard to notice, but it indicates an emergency.  This condition is called Melena.

Melena could be due to

  • Ulcers
  • Tremors
  • Kidney problems (can lead to kidney failure too)
  • Liver problem
  • Addison’s disease
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Toxins
  • Infections
  • Trauma
  • Pancreatitis

If your dog has dark blood and shows signs like vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, or decreased hunger, immediately talk to your vet. If your dog is already on medication. Stop the medication.

Blood in dog stool and home remedies

Home remedies can treat your dog’s bloody poop without causing extra bills from the vet. Even your vet will suggest doing home remedies if the cause is not serious.

As soon as you notice first poop with blood

  • Switch to a bland diet. Feed your dog cooked and homemade food.
  • Give him plain rice and boiled chicken. It is an easily digestible diet.
  • Feed him Yogurt. Yogurt is a very good source of a healthy gut. It has probiotics that increase healthy bacteria in the intestine, restoring balance. It also reduces inflammation in the gut.
  • Give him enough fluids to restore hydration.
  • Deworm your dog
  • Don’t give him oily or spicy food
  • If he has diarrhea, treat it.
  • Try to keep your dog in a stress-free environment.
  • Stop giving him treats.
  • If your dog is diabetic, check its blood glucose levels to monitor his condition. Sometimes ketoacidosis in diabetic dogs also triggers blood in dog poop.

Mostly, with simple home remedies, and antibiotic treatment your dog’s condition will get better. In some emergency cases, there could be a need for minor surgery.


Changing Dog food can cause blood in the stool. You need to switch your pet’s food slowly. After a few days, he will get used to another diet too. However, food change is not the only reason for bloody stools. There are various other factors and you need to rule out every one of them.

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