Dog Commands In Different Languages

Here is a list of dog commands in 8 different popular languages. If you want us to add any other language let us know through the comments or via contact page. We will update the table upon your request.

dog commands in different languages

American GermanFrenchCzechDutchSpanishItalianPortuguese
HeelFuss (foos)Au pied(oh-pee-aye)K noze(kno zay)left=Volg right=RechtsTacónTaccoSalto
SitSitz (sittz)Assis(ah-see)Sedni(said nee)ZitSentarseSedersiSentar
StayBleib (Bly'b)Reste(rest)ZustanBlijfQuedarseRimanereFicar
DownPlatzCoucher (choo-shay)Lehni (leh nee)Af/LiggenAbajoGiùBaixa
Come/HereHier (hee er)Ici (e see) /ViensKe mne (khemn yea)Kom HierVen aquíVenire quiVen aquí
StandSteh (shtay)Debout (da-boo)Stuj (stuuya)StannEstarIn piediFicar
Retrieve/FetchBring (brrring)RapporteAportApportRecuperar / recuperarRecuperareRecuperar / buscar
JumpHoppSaute (soo)/ AllerSkoc/HopSprongSaltarSaltarePular
Go OutVoraus(for owss)En Avant(onn-avauhnn)Vpred(va porshed)VoruitFueraEsciSair
TrackSuch (tsuuk)Piste (piss-te)StopaSpoorPistaTracciaAcompanhar
GuardPass auf/WacheGarde (guard)PozorWachtGuardiaGuardiaGuarda
BitePacken/FassAttaque/MordDrz (dursh)StellenMorderMordereMorder
Out/Let GoAus (owss)Halte (alt)/Donne(don-aye)Pust(pusht)Los/Loslaten(those-lawten)Fuera / SoltarFuori / Lascia andareFora / Deixe ir
Speak/BarkGib Laut (geblout)Aboie(ah-bwaa)Stekej(esteke)Blaffen(blauffen)LUIDHablar / ladrarParla / AbbaiaFalar / latir
Narcotics/DopeRauschgiftDrogueHledej oznacNarcotica/Verdovend MiddelNarcóticos / DrogasNarcotici / DopeNarcóticos / Drogas
Find narcoticsSuch RauschgiftTrouvez de DrougesDrogyFijne narcoticaEncuentra narcóticosTrova i narcoticiEncontre narcóticos
Building/Blind SearchVoran/RevierCherche (Sherch)Revir(revere)Revieren(ray-fee-eren)Edificio / Búsqueda ciegaRicerca edificio / ciecoConstrução / Pesquisa Cega
Kennel/CrateZwinger/BoxChenilKotecHok/KennelPerrera / CajaCanile / cassaCanil / Caixa
Go outsideGeh Raus/Geh DraussenDehorsJdi venNaar BuitenSalir afueraVai fuoriVá lá fora
Go AheadGeh VorausVasVolnoVoor uit/VrijAdelanteVai avantiVá em frente
Go InsideGeh rein(gay rine)Monte/EntrePojd semGa de inVe adentroAndare all'internoIr para dentro
What is going on?Was ist los?Qu'est ce qui ce passe?Co je to?Wat Gebeurt?Que esta pasando?Cosa sta succedendo?O que está acontecendo?
Good (praise)So ist bravBon Garcon(bon gar-scon)Hodny(hout nee)Braaf/GoedzoBuena (alabanza)Buono (lode)Bom (elogio)
"No"Pfui (fooey)Nein (nine)Non/Mauvais/MechantFuj (pfui)FoeiNoNoNo
Don't do that!Lass das seinNe fais pas caFuj(pfui)Nee¡No hagas eso!Non farlo!Não faça isso!
OKIn OrdnungD'accordVyborneO.KOKokOK
Eat foodNimm FutterMangeVem si"Eet " ("Ayt")Comer alimentosMangia ciboComer alimentos
Helper Stand StillBleiben Ruhig/Steht NochToi, ne bouge pasRuce vzhuruBlijf StaanAyudante quietoHelper Stai fermoFicar parado
Article SearchSuch VerlorenRecherche D'articleHledej OznacZoek VoorwerpBúsqueda de artículosRicerca articoloPesquisa de artigos
Leave itLass esLaisse/Pas Touche(pa-too-shay)Nech toAfblijvenDejaloLascialoDeixar

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