Parvo or Worms

Many infections and diseases can be fatal to your puppy. For example, if your puppy gets parvo or worms in the body and is left untreated,  it can be dangerous to its life. So Whenever you see any sign of them, consult your veteran as soon as possible to start the treatment.

Parvo or worms must be treated as soon as detected in the body. Here are some insights into the diseases and how you can prevent your dog from getting parvo or worms.

paro or worms

What is parvo?

Parvo disease is caused by canine parvovirus. This disease is contagious and can affect your puppy in horrifying ways. If parvovirus is left untreated, the fatality rate can be 90%+.

Initial signs of Parvo

Initial signs of parvo can be as low as negligible. If your dog has low energy and is unusually quiet, it may be affected by parvo. Pay attention and with some other signs, you can be sure of  Parvovirus in your dog.

Some signs that your dog is affected can be loss of appetite, vomiting,  fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.  If the symptoms persist, they can cause dehydration in the body and can be a serious threat to health.

How does the parvovirus spread?

Parvovirus is contagious. It can spread from dog to dog. Even if a dog infected from parvo has recovered, still it can be a carrier of the virus and can spread it to other dogs.

An infected dog can spread the virus through the contamination of food, collars, utensils, or feces. Even a pet owner of an infected pet can be a carrier of the virus.

As soon as a healthy dog comes in contact with the virus, 3- 7 days is all it takes. The dog ingests the virus and after the incubation period of the virus, the dog starts showing the symptoms gradually.

Parvo affects the intestines of a dog and causes infection in the blood. If the virus is not treated, the infection can get worse and the dog may start passing bloody stools. This is serious and can be fatal. Parvo infection is detected through blood tests as it causes a significant drop in white blood count. Depending on the dog’s condition, the veteran can suggest more tests too.

Dogs who can get parvo

Mostly young puppies or dogs who are not vaccinated are more at risk of getting parvo. As this is contagious so it spreads quickly affecting more dogs rapidly.

Precautions for parvo

Dog lovers want all the best for their dogs. To ensure their safety from deadly viruses, some precautions are necessary.

  • Always keep your dog, kennel, and dog accessories clean. Hygiene is the first step to ensure safety.
  • Your dog must be vaccinated properly at a young age.
  • Keep track of vaccinations.
  • Keep your little puppies away from places where there are chances of getting the virus.
  • If you have adopted a new puppy or dog and do not know about early vaccination, consult your veteran.
  • Make sure your dog gets all the shots and booster of parvovirus vaccination.

Parvovirus treatment

Life is uncertain and your dog can get parvovirus even after your care. It’s ok.  No need to panic. Consult your veteran at priority and begin the treatment. As parvovirus can cause dehydration,  your veteran will make certain food changes like increase fluids intake in the diet.

Dogs must be kept in isolation because the virus is highly contagious. Keep in touch with your veteran for further instructions about the disease.

Worms In dogs

Not all the worms in dogs are a serious life threat in the first place but they must not be left untreated. Otherwise, they can cause severe damage to internal organs leading to death. A dog can get different types of worms in the body like tapeworm,  hookworms,  roundworms, or heartworms.


Roundworms are quite common and can also be passed to humans from dogs. Mama dogs can also transfer these worms to their puppies. Roundworms can lead to poor health causing other diseases due to weaker immune systems. It’s important to deworm dogs and to take their proper care.


These are parasites that attach themselves to intestinal linings and feed on their prey. When dogs develop tapeworms,  they feel constant itch and rub their bottoms on the grounds. A tested stool sample can confirm tapeworm in a dog’s body. Tapeworms are treated with oral medication or through injection.


These can cause anemia and if left untreated can be fatal to young pups who have weaker immune systems. Apart from other things, Mama dog can also pass hookworms while feeding her puppies. The microscopic eggs pass through milk and hatch in Young’s body. Deworming medicine is effective to treat hookworms.


Whipworms’ eggs can stay alive for up to five years. They pass into the body through ingested food or soil etc. Whipworms usually don’t cause symptoms for a long period and are difficult to identify through stool samples. So frequent testing is recommended along with proper hygiene maintenance and care.


Heartworms are the deadliest of all worms. They are transferred into the body through a mosquito bite and affect the heart,  lungs, and other organs of the body. If left untreated they can be fatal. The treatment for heartworms is also very expensive and is hard on dogs.

Signs your dogs have worms

It’s relatively easy to detect worms in your dog. Just pay attention to these things and if you notice any of them,  test your dog for potential worms in the body.

  • The dog’s feces and rear will have visible worms.
  • Worm eggs are also detectable in feces.
  • If your dog rubs its rear frequently,  it means there are worms in the body.
  • Multiplying worms in the body will cause vomiting or diarrhea with visible worms in it.
  • Worms may cause irresistible hunger and despite eating,  the dog will start losing weight.
  • The dog will be less energetic and weakness can lead to unconsciousness.

Worms are important to treat because some types of worms can even be passed to humans from dogs. Deworming your dog with medicine is the best solution. Most deworming medicines have proven effective. However,  before treating a pregnant dog,  ask your veteran as there are types of worms that can pass to puppies.

Which is more dangerous, parvo or worms?

Along with other organs, both parvovirus and worms affect the intestines causing serious organ damage. This can result in fatality.

We can’t leave any of parvo or worms untreated.

Although all worms are not serious at the first stage but should be treated well. Types of worms like heartworm is a direct threat to the life of your puppy.  Parvo is serious and as soon as you realize your puppy has parvo,  consult your veteran and start the treatment.

Worms may take a larger period to develop in the body and may not show any serious symptoms at all. Whereas parvovirus will take few days before symptoms and if left untreated symptoms will get worse within days.

In both parvo and worms,  the dog will lose appetite and weight causing the immune system to get weaker.

Parvovirus is serious because it is resistant to heat, cold, dryness, and humidity so it can survive for a longer period. This virus can be prevented through proper vaccination. For worms, you need to keep dogs clean and away from things that can cause worms in dogs.

So whether it be parvo or worms,  don’t let your dog suffer. Begin the treatment immediately and help your dog to fight it.  We know,  he is a little warrior.

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