What do Yorkies usually Die From

A dog’s death is a sheer heartbreak. Dealing with this trauma is so tough. Only a dog owner can know the pain of letting your kiddo go forever. Well, life is uncertain and usually, dogs have a life expectancy of 15years max. So your dog will say goodbye at some point. Death is inevitable but what do Yorkies usually die from? They die from different diseases like heart, liver, or blood problems.

What do Yorkies usually die from

The life expectancy of Yorkshire terrier

Yorkies live anywhere between 12- 15 years. We wish all the best of health to your puppy but nobody can control uninvited circumstances. Yorkies are otherwise a healthy breed. Either a genetic disease or an illness at some stage of their life may result in fatality.

What do Yorkies usually die from:

Other than a sudden accident, Yorkies can die from different underlying bad health conditions. Mostly,  these health conditions are genetic. While with care and medication some genetic diseases like diabetes or joint problems can be managed throughout life,  others can be fatal. Some of them may cause sudden death too and you might never have a chance to know that your dog ever had a disease. For example blood clotting disorder.

Also, a sudden heart attack may lead to death but that heart failure may be a result of a pre-existing heart condition.

Genetic diseases in Yorkshire terrier

When you have adopted Yorkshire Terrier,  you must keep in check his health conditions. Most of the reasons Yorkshire terrier dies without fully living life are genetic ones. So having an insight into Yorkies overall health is a must.

Here are some of the genetic illnesses that Yorkies may have.

Malfunction of adrenal glands.

This is called hyperadrenocorticism or crushing’s disease. In this disease, Adrenal glands produce too much steroid hormone. Some of the physical changes may point towards your dog having crushing. Your Yorkie will start eating too much or having frequent urinations and becoming lethargic. These symptoms can easily be ignored as a daily routine. But if your dog’s appetite has increased suddenly and for a long time, look for adrenal gland disorder.

Eye problems

Yes, eye problems are also genetic. Inherited eye illness can lead to permanent blindness. Imagine a tough life without eyes for your Yorkie. This is quite painful. There are different eye conditions.

  • Cataracts can make Yorkie blind but with proper treatment,  cataracts can be removed returning the vision to Yorkie.
  • Also,  there is a condition called dry eye which is pretty common in Yorkshires.  It reduces the tear and liquid production in the eyes which keeps the eyes moist. This condition causes inflammation and infection in the eyes. If your dog is having thick discharge from eyes or dog is having severe itching with a dry-looking eye,  consult your vet. This condition is bad in a way that it requires medical attention throughout life. An eye ointment needs to be applied for the rest of your life.

Liver problems

Liver problem is pretty common in dogs. A liver disorder can cause blood to go around the liver instead of going in it. Due to blood deficiency,  the liver doesn’t grow or function well. This means the liver will be unable to remove toxins from the bloodstream. In some cases,  serious medical attention is required and a dog may undergo surgery. The untreated liver problem can cause seizures in dogs and can be fatal.

Heart diseases

Heart diseases are also another common genetic illness in dogs. These can occur at any stage of life and can be deadly to your Yorkie. An abnormal heartbeat is usually the first sign that your Yorkie has heart disease.

Yearly checkups are advised for Yorkie owners. These tests may include ECG, echocardiogram, or X-Rays to determine if the heart is working fine.  With the growing age of Yorkie,  pay attention to his health.  With proper treatment,  the life span can be significantly increased for your darling.

  • Also,  there is another condition of the defective heart.  Vessels that carry blood don’t close properly and the blood goes into the lungs. This puts pressure on the heart. If your dog coughs a lot, has fatigue, or is getting weaker by days go for a heart checkup. Sometimes surgery is needed to fix heart valves.
  • Heart failure is another major cause of sudden death in the Yorkies. No matter what the age,  heart failure at any stage can be fatal to your dog. A heart failure could be due to many reasons. From deformity of heart valves to blood leakage any reason can make their heart weak or less functional.  To prevent heart diseases,  make sure your dog doesn’t get obese.

Bone diseases

  • Many Yorkshires get musculoskeletal problems and some of these conditions can be pretty tough for them too.
  • For example, knee cap displacement can be quite painful and is life long disorder. Slipped knees (patellar luxation)  can alter the movement of your pet.  The knee cap can slip anywhere and anytime and your dog may try to fix it by kicking its leg sideways. The dog is treated with arthritis medication if the problem is less severe. In some cases,  the dogs will need surgery for proper knee placement.
  • There is another condition in bone problems which is called Legg calve Perthes disease. In this disease, hip muscles don’t form properly causing the hip bone to fracture easily. Usually, this happens between six to months And requires surgery.
  • Another common condition in dogs is when the spinal disc is pressed on the spinal cord. This is because of the lack of jelly-like substance between vertebrae that acts as a cushion between different vertebrae. If your dog suddenly starts resisting jumping or going upward,  there is a chance he has this IVDD It can also cause paralysis in dogs. In some cases, this is treatable through medicines but in most conditions, your Yorkie may require surgery.

Kidney diseases

Stone in bladders or kidneys can be quite painful for dogs. Yorkies have more chances to develop them. For this we recommend,  routine checkups every six months or yearly. The major symptoms of kidney or bladder disease can be blood in urine or difficulty in passing urine. As soon as you notice the symptoms,  talk to the vet for immediate tests.


Dogs with irregular metabolism are more at risk of having diabetes. In severe cases, the dog will need insulin on daily basis. Diabetes can be managed with careful routine and medication and will improve the lifespan of a dog. The symptoms of diabetes in dogs include frequent urination and weight reduction.

Skin allergies

Skin allergies can be quite irritating. In dogs, skin allergies will cause itching,  redness, and patches on the body. A condition called atopy affects the Yorkies more. The disease mostly affects the ear, belly, or feet.  If your dog licks paws or rubs its face frequently,  check for Atopy. It also increases with their growing age. So a timely treatment will save the dog.

Blood clotting disorder

Your dog may get into an accident and the bleeding doesn’t stop. This is because of blood clotting disorder and can result in severe blood loss. Unfortunately, this condition comes in notice only when a dog gets into an accident and bleed. A DNA-based blood test confirms the presence of disease.

Dental diseases

Dogs lose their teeth while growing. When the new teeth grow and the old one doesn’t fall,  it can cause infection and damage to the oral cavity. The only solution to this is sometimes the removal of teeth. Teeth retention is common and very painful in Yorkshires.

Lungs diseases

Tracheal collapse is common among Yorkies. In this, the windpipe gets weak or is deformed. This causes the trachea to collapse leading to breathing problems. If your puppy coughs a lot,  there is a chance he is having a tracheal collapse.

Low blood sugar

Sugar levels must be retained in the bloodstream. Increased levels can cause diabetes and decrease levels can cause hypoglycemia. If your puppy becomes lethargic after physical activity or activities that increase metabolism consult a vet.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

This disease can be fatal to your dog. Gastroenteritis is most likely to affect smaller breeds and if not treated properly,  can cause death in dogs. If your Yorkie is having bloody diarrhea especially at night or vomiting,  timely treatment can save his life.

Diseases that may cause death in the terrier

So we have now fully understood that most genetic illnesses lead to situations that can cause death. While some diseases can be managed with effective treatment others like

  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • Blood diseases
  • Liver problems
  • Lung diseases
  • Gastrointestinal diseases

Can lead to sudden death too. All of the above genetic diseases are quite common in the Yorkies.

What are the signs of Yorkie dying:

Any serious illness that has passed its last stage may result in fatality. In some cases,  your Yorkie will die in peace without you even knowing. In other cases, your puppy may go through a painful departure.

If your Yorkie is facing these conditions,  you must prepare for a final goodbye.

  • Puppy stops eating or drinking anything.
  • Stops moving even an inch
  • Loose coordination
  • Problem in breathing
  • Seek comfort in loved ones.

When it’s time,  we suggest making a decision and let your puppy rest in peace. Maybe prolonged life was not in his favor.

How to prevent Yorkies from deadly diseases

Although in some conditions,  you can’t do anything except letting your dog go. In others,  you can decrease the severity of disease and slow down body deterioration. Also,  in some cases, you can reduce the pain and suffering of your dog.

Any disease whether genetic or if your dog caught them at any stage needs medical attention. To prevent your dog from the severity of diseases

Maintain healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a key to good health. Your dog must get a proper diet,  exercise and sleep.  Set a healthy routine for your dog.

Add supplements

Sometimes adding supplements to your dog’s diet increase its immunity. However, before adding any supplement such as Nutra Thrive always consult your vet first.

Get to know your dog

When you have adopted a dog,  you must know what he is allergic to or what may cause problems for him. What suits or doesn’t suits your dog helps you keep him safe and healthy.

Keep your dog clean

Hygiene plays an important role in maintaining your dog’s health. We don’t recommend spa or pampering Sessions but do maintain basic hygiene routines like dental care,  brushing, cleaning ears,  checking for fleas and ticks, etc.

In general,  Yorkies usually die from different diseases. However,  with proper care and preventive measures you can control the situation and may prolong your dog’s lifespan.

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