My Dog Ate a Loaf of Bread

It is extremely common for dogs to develop a fascination for eating bread, no matter what their breed, size, color, or nature is. They might get familiar with loaves of bread by eating them as a treat on occasion, which makes them develop a fascination for it. Based on that notion, it can be argued that eating bread is not generally harmful to dogs. However, you may have in stress in mind thinking my dog ate a loaf of bread and now what should I do. It can lead to constipation and potential food poising, along with other symptoms.

my dog ate a loaf of bread

A Small Quantity of Loaf Bread Harmful for Dogs?

In simple terms, loaf bread in small quantities will not lead to any harm to your dog. However, certain loaves of bread contain ingredients that can be harmful in small quantities as well. For example, a loaf of bread with raisins is toxic for dogs, and the veterinarian should be contacted immediately. On the other hand, wheat or white bread is generally harmless for dogs, and they can eat them in small quantities. However, large amounts of these loaves of bread can also be toxic for the dogs under consideration.

Can Dogs Be Given Slices of Loaves of Bread?

The answer is no because bread should be avoided by dogs. Although small quantities of bread are not generally harmful, their ingredients can have negative implications for the dog’s health. Hence, loaves of bread should be limited to occasional treats, and the dog should be observed after the small treat is given to them. As high quantities of bread can result in stomach issues for the dog.

What Types of Loaves Of Bread Are Harmful To Dogs?

Simply eating bread is not toxic for dogs, as they can consume it in small amounts, such as treats. Nevertheless, specific loaves of bread have ingredients that are very toxic for the dog’s health. Examples include garlic bread, raisin bread, specific nut loaves of bread, and dough. To elaborate, the chives, onions, and garlic present in garlic bread are toxic for dogs and cannot be consumed by them.

In addition, dogs cannot eat the raisins in raisin bread, since it can lead to kidney failure and the death of the god. Similarly, nuts that are high in fats can be dangerous and toxic for dogs. Lastly, by consuming dough, it can expand in the dog’s stomach. This can be harmful to the dog, and the vet should be contacted.

What Happens When Your Dog Eats an Entire Loaf of Bread?

This response is entirely dependent on the type of bread consumed. White or wheat bread is less likely to result in complications, at most the dog will experience bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. On the other hand, if the bread contains toxic ingredients, such as nuts, raisins, garlic, and chives, the dog can get serious complications such as gastric torsion, which can be deadly for the dog.

Hence, in that case, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible. The ingredients consumed by the dog can be determined through the plastic wrapping around the loaf of bread.

Potential Problems for Your Dog After Eating An Entire Loaf Of Bread

The following symptoms should be noted in your dog, and the vet should be contacted accordingly.

  1. Purging

After eating loaves of bread with toxic ingredients, dogs will immediately start to vomit uncontrollably. Examples of toxic ingredients include garlic, onions, raisins, nuts, and uncooked dough. The vet should be contacted upon witnessing this symptom.

  1. Heavy breathing

Ingredients such as garlic can cause dogs to undergo shock, which can cause them to breathe heavily. Upon witnessing this, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible.

  1. Pain in the abdomen

Dogs might experience extreme pain in their abdomen. They may be sore to the point where they refuse to let anyone touch them and may whine in a corner of the house. The vet should be contacted once your dog starts experiencing abdominal pains.

  1. Intoxication

Toxic ingredients can impact the digestive tract of the dog, which leads to intoxication. This mostly occurs when dogs consume loaves of bread with yeast. Upon understanding that your dog ate toxic ingredients, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible.

  1. Shaking

Ingredients like xylitol are extremely toxic for dogs, which can cause them to shiver and shake. If not treated on time it can lead to a stroke, and the dog can potentially die. Henceforth, the vet should be contacted without any delay.

  1. Fever

Consumption of toxic ingredients can result in fevers for the dog. Hence, such symptoms should be noticed, and the vet should be contacted

  1. Brightly colored stool

If dogs consume loaves of bread with artificial dyes their stool will show color. Artificial colors are toxic for dogs; hence, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible.

Should You Worry If Your Dog Ate an Entire Loaf of Bread?

Large dogs can eat entire loaves of bread without getting any gastrointestinal problems. If the dog under observation continues to eat, drink, and play normally after eating the loaf of bread, there is most likely nothing to worry about. But it is still important to closely monitor them for a few days too.

On the other hand, small dogs can get illnesses like diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and dehydration. This is because, they have a very small stomach, which is unable to properly digest an entire loaf of bread. A dog’s stomach also keeps in the food for a long time, which increases the chances of their body reacting negatively after eating an entire loaf of bread.

Bread contains several carbohydrates and air particles, which lead to a lot of discomfort for the dog. Hence, once your dog exhibits unusual symptoms, the veterinarian should be contacted immediately. The vet will want answers on the size of your dog, its weight, breed, and symptoms.

After which, the owner of the dog will be provided with a treatment plan. Some examples of potential treatments include forcing vomiting, stopping the dog’s food intake for 24 hours, and improving the fluid intake of the dog. Based on this, it is very likely for dogs to recover from the comfort of their house. Nevertheless, in case of extreme gastric dilation, the dog should be admitted to the vet.

Can Your Dog Potentially Die After Eating an Entire Loaf of Bread?

Unfortunately, there is a possibility of your dog dying after eating an entire loaf of bread. However, it is rare, and in most cases, the dog can recover. Most dogs simply experience mild symptoms after this conduct. But in some cases, dogs can develop gastric torsion complications, which can be extremely dangerous, and potentially deadly.

In gastric torsion, the stomach gets filled with gas to the point where the stomach twists itself. Through this, the blood flow to the heart and other body parts is disrupted, and the dog can get a heart attack or go into shock. Thereby, the dog can die in the case of eating an entire loaf of bread.

Furthermore, there is a lack of research concerning gastric torsion, and vets are unsure of what causes the stomach to twist. They do have an awareness of the fact that deep-chested breeds of dogs tend to be a victim of this issue, along with dogs eating single-day meals and having a history of this issue in their family tree.

Hence, although most dogs are not severely affected by eating an entire loaf of bread, they should still be kept under observation and the vet should be contacted. In this manner, potential complications and the death of the dog can be avoided.

What If the Dog Ate The Bread’s Plastic Wrap?

In that case, the vet should be contacted immediately. Even if you slightly suspect that happened, the vet should still be contacted. Although sometimes dogs are easily able to pass elastic with their stool, in other cases the plastic can get stuck in their digestive system. As a result, the dog can develop constipation, vomiting, or even potentially die. This is because, the plastic wrap can restrict the blood flow of the dog, and lead to complications such as gastric torsion.

Upon contacting the vet, the dog will likely undergo a physical examination, such as urine tests, blood tests, and X-rays. In some cases, the dog will have to go through surgery, but it is not required most of the time.

Toxic Bread Ingredients for The Dog

Following are the known toxic ingredients for dogs. If they are present in the loaf of bread your dog ate, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible

  1. Onions

To begin, loaves of bread sometimes contain onions for the sake of additional flavors. However, unfortunately, onions are extremely toxic for dogs can lead to oxidative damage in their body system. As a result, the red blood cells of the dogs are impacted, which can result in a complicated condition known as hemolytic anemia. The traces of this disease are not identified immediately, however, the disease can become dangerous over time.

  1. Garlic

Garlic too is added for the sake of flavor in loaves of bread, but it can cause oxidative damage for the dogs. Oxidative damage impacted red blood cells, and hemolytic anemia, which can cause weakness in dogs. This can develop into a serious condition over time too.

  1. Xylitol

Bread for diabetic individuals can contain an artificial sweetener known as xylitol. If dogs consume this chemical, their bodies produce inappropriately high quantities of insulin, which results in an immediate drop in sugar levels. This can result in seizures and the potential death of the dog.

  1. Raisins

Raisins are a byproduct of grapes, both of which are extremely toxic for dogs. Raisins are included in fruit loaves of bread and loaves. Hence, if a dog consumes them, it can be extremely toxic for them. The vet should be contacted immediately after a dog consumes raisins.

  1. Chocolate

Sweet loaves of bread often contain chocolate, which is toxic for dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine, which can have led to liver failure for the dog. In that manner, dark chocolate is especially dangerous and should be avoided by dogs at all costs. However, if it is consumed, the vet should be contacted without any delay.

  1. Nuts

Nuts can be toxic for dogs, especially, macadamia nuts. If dogs consume them, they can experience weakness, tremoring, vomiting, and hind limb. Hence, loaves of bread with nuts should be kept away from dogs at all costs.

  1. The dough of the bread

If the dog eats uncooked dough, it will expand in the stomach of the dog, since it will be warm. This will result in bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. In addition, the ethanol from the dough can ferment, resulting in weakness and collapse for the dog.

What Should You Do After Your Dog Ate an Entire Loaf Of Bread?

Once your dog has eaten an entire loaf of bread, certain steps should be followed to ensure the health of your dog.

  1. Stop the dog from eating additional bread The dog should be removed from the area. In this manner, the dog will stop eating more bread or the plastic wrap around it. The dog should then be put in a location where there is no access to bread. This is important because continued eating for bread can be even more harmful to the dog.
  1. Check the dog for dangerous symptoms 

The dog should be constantly observed after it has eaten an entire loaf of bread. Signs of irritation, discomfort, bloating, vomiting and diarrhea should be noticed. Accordingly, all the symptoms should be noted down and the vet should be contacted immediately. As, if the symptoms are not treated, the dog can develop life-threatening conditions.

  1. Write down all the important information

Find out what type of bread was eaten by the dog and the ingredients that were present in it. This information can be obtained through the plastic wrapper around the bread. Any signs of toxic ingredients on the list should be noted down and should be provided to the vet upon contacting him.

  1. Call a nearby well-known and established veterinarian 

Upon suspecting the eating of toxic ingredients by your dogs, such as raisins and nuts, the vet should be contacted as soon as possible. The vet should be also contacted if you suspect that the dog ate large quantities of bread that will not be digested by its body.

  1. Follow the guidelines provided by your veterinarian

If the dog requires admission as per the vet, the dog should be admitted. In addition, all other steps such as close observation, induced vomiting, increasing fluid intake, and preventing food intake for 24 hours should be followed as well.

Should You Go to The Vet or The Emergency Animal Hospital?

A dog that consumed plain white or wheat bread does not need to be taken to either the vet or the emergency animal hospital. However, if the dog consumed bread with toxic ingredients, such as onions, garlic, raisins, nuts, and uncooked dough, the vet should be contacted without any delay.

On the other hand, if your dog does into shock or has a serious medical condition, the emergency animal hospital should be contacted. Nevertheless, if the observed symptoms are not severe and life-threatening, such as vomiting and pain in the abdomen, the vet should be contacted. This is because the emergency animal hospital is for emergencies and extreme compilations.

What Will Happen to Your Dog at The Veterinarian’s Clinic?

The vet will more than probably ask you to visit his clinic if your dog ages large amounts of bread with toxic ingredients. In the clinic, a physical examination of the dog will be conducted, and their symptoms will be observed. Accordingly, the vet may suggest induced vomiting, high fluid intake, and holding back on food for 24 hours.

Through this, most of the toxins will be removed from the body of the dog. On the contrary, the vet can also run diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, urine tests, and blood tests. In this manner, it will be determined if the dog consumed any toxic ingredients. Based on the results, the dog might be kept at the clinic for observations. Furthermore, if the dog consumed plastic wrap around the loaf of bread, additional tests would have to be conducted accordingly.

Safe Alternatives for The Dog to Consume

Although bread should be reserved for treats and special occasions, you can give your dog doggie treats as an alternative for the potentially toxic bread. They have a bread-like texture but are not toxic for your dog. In addition, your dog can also be provided with delicious homemade dog treats, which can satisfy their taste buds for treats.

Moreover, licensed businesses sell dog treats that are non-toxic and healthy for dogs to consume. These businesses are inspected and are overall regarded as safe for the dogs to consume.

So now it should be clear in your mind about what to do when my dog ate a loaf of bread.

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