Polaramine for Dogs

Your Dog is sick! This makes you uncomfortable…We understand your concerns. Pups are sweethearts and you want to treat yours with the best possible treatment available.  Don’t worry,  we are here to provide you help and guidance.  But why polaramine for dogs?

Polaramine is an anti-allergic medicine that is given to dogs when they show symptoms of cold,  flu, or any other sign of an allergy.

Pups are the best companions in this world. Like every companionship, this one too demands some effort and care. During illness,  your dog needs your attention and affection along with proper treatment and medication.  An uncomfortable pup means uncomfortable you!

polaramine for dogs

Why is Polaramine Given to Dogs?

There are few cases in which you can treat your dog with polaramine.

Dog flu

If you are a dog owner,  you must know the term “dog flu”.  Dog flu can make your puppy extremely sick with a runny nose and watery eyes. Dog flu or canine Influenza is a virus that spreads through the air.

Your dog can get infected from anything like dirty collars or kennels or may get it from another dog.  Any exposure to contamination can lead to dog influenza. When your dog gets infected from this virus, it makes uneasy voices,  sneezes and you can notice their runny nose and watery eyes.

As this is a respiratory virus,  they can have a difficulty in breathing too. This virus has a 2-4 days incubation period and because this virus is contagious, the veteran suggests keeping your dog Isolated for 21 days.

When your dog gets affected,  polaramine,  the antihistamine drug is given to dogs to ease their flu symptoms. Remember,  that dog flu has no cure but additional medicines can be given to treat its symptoms and to ease the discomfort during dog flu.  So polaramine is not a “cure” in this case, it’s a path to recovery.

Skin allergies

Apart from dog flu,  polaramine is given to dogs to treat allergies and to reduce itching.  Canine atopic dermatitis is a skin allergy that affects dogs. Your dog can be allergic to many things like pollens,  mites, or even skin cells from another dog. When they catch allergy they make burpy and snoring voices.

A constant itch is a sign,  that your dog is infected. Their skin might turn red or show red patches. Whenever you notice your dog rolling,  making sneaky noises, or itching,  they are showing allergy symptoms.

Stomach issues

Food poisoning is another reason that can make your dog ill. They can have severe allergies and discomfort in the stomach that can make them sick.

Polaramine is given to dogs to treat any above form of allergic reaction.

But what is polaramine?

That is this magically game-changer for dogs. Simple science is…understand that whenever a body is infected from allergy,  a substance called histamine is produced in a body in reaction to those allergic substances. Polaramine is an antihistamine and treats those allergies in a body hence curing the symptoms.

The formula for polaramine is C16H19ClN2. C4H4O4. CAS: 2438-32-6.

The compound dexchlorphenIramine in polaramine doesn’t stop the production of histamine in a body, instead, it tries to compete with free histamine, hence alienating the effects of allergen in a body.

Is Polaramine suitable for dogs?

Polaramine is prescribed to humans but it can also be given to dogs when they are infected. However,  your veteran will decide whether or not to give polaramine to your dog.

Some theories suggest that drugs for humans may not work on dogs but polaramine is tried and tested case for many dog owners and since it is widely used in human drugs,  almost every medical kit has it.

What dose of Polaramine is safe for dogs?

It comes in both tablets and liquid syrup.  Start with a 2 mg dose of polaramine for dogs and increase only if your veteran allows you to. Add liquid syrup in their food or water but make sure to measure the dose correctly. Polaramine is suggested to swallow as a whole because they are formulated to absorb slowly in the body. Chewing them in bits can decrease their effectiveness.

As Polaramine is suitable for dogs, to treat your young pups,  start with 2 mg dose,  for adults but less than 30 kg dogs, use 4 mg dose and for heavy hounds use 6mg dose.

What are the Side-effects of polaramine for dogs?

Like every drug, polaramine can make your dog dizzy or sleepy but the symptoms can vary from dog to dog. General side effects of polaramine for dogs can be drowsiness, upset stomach, and dry mouth, etc.  Don’t use polaramine or any other drug for your dog unless your veteran prescribes it. Overdose of polaramine can cause severe side effects. Polaramine also reduces blood pressure so be cautious while giving it to your dog.

When not to give polaramine to your dog?

Although polaramine is considered safe to be given to dogs and is easily available too. Still, if your, dog shows any symptom that concerns you, consult your veteran immediately.

Don’t give polaramine to your dogs

  • If you are giving another medicine to your dog. In this case, be cautious to use polaramine because it can have severe side effects when reacts with other drugs.
  • When your dog is already allergic to any component in a drug,  don’t feed them polaramine.
  • If your dog shows symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, lower the dosage.

How effective is polaramine to dogs?

Although there is a debate about the effectiveness of Polaramine. Some say that it might not be that effective but others suggest that it will ease the allergy symptoms in your dog. Polaramine will take effect in the body as early as 1-2 hours and your dog will start getting better. However, the progress or full recovery varies on your dog and the type of allergy they are having.

Can polaramine be given to pregnant dogs?

Even for humans,  Polaramine is not very ‘pregnancy safe’.  You can’t take polaramine in the third trimester because the antihistamine medicine can affect the fetus adversely. Always ask your veteran before giving any medication to your pregnant dog. Polaramine is not suggested for your dog without any special needs and veterans instructions.

 Can polaramine be given after a reaction from a vaccine?

Dogs can have allergies after vaccination. For example, Rabies vaccination can cause allergy in your dog right after getting vaccinated. It can cause vomiting,  fever,  diarrhea, and respiratory allergies. An antihistamine may be given to your dog to ease the symptoms and reduce the fever. It is just like how we give panadol to our children after vaccination.

Is polaramine for dogs a steroid?

No! Polaramine is not a steroid.Although steroids can also cure symptoms of allergies and skin rashes but polaramine is not listed under steroids. Understand that steroids make your immune system weak. The immune system shows a reaction to allergens and by weakening the immune system, the reaction to allergens can be reduced. Whereas polaramine works by weakening histamines themselves.




1 thought on “Polaramine for Dogs”

  1. How often can you give polaramine tablets 2mg.
    I have a small 7 kilo dog that’s got very itchy feet, she lick her paws constantly for over a week now can’t stop her.
    Just need to know is it one tablet once a day or twice a day or three times.


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