Putting My Dog Down Tomorrow, How Do I Say Goodbye?

So, in recent days your buddy has lost all his buddy-ness, he is severely ill, and you want to help your little friend get out of this misery. But, sadly, you can’t do anything; your dog has been diagnosed with a deadly disease with harsh treatment or surgery.

Yeah, the operation or surgery will add some months to his life, but at what cost. His quality of life will not be the same ever again, and you will only wish to see your old buddy in this poor dog again. The best option, which remains, is to put him down to relieve him from all the pains and sufferings.

putting my dog down tomorrow how do i say goodbye

Making A Decision

It is definitely not easy to say goodbye to your friend who has been just like a family member with you. A pet’s departure is undoubtedly the least favorite thing of his owner. If your dog is facing the below-mentioned issues, then maybe it is time to let him go:

  • He can’t walk or stand up properly
  • He does not eat his favorite snacks, can’t eat or drink properly either.
  • He does not greet you like before
  • His body is falling weak
  • Apparent symptoms of a fatal disease show up on his body

Make sure you put your dog down the right way to make this process easier for him and handle your emotional pain too. If you say goodbye to him in the right way, you can satisfy your emotional pain that your buddy had a good farewell and he is in a better place now.

Best Way To Put Him Down


Euthanasia is the best and the most commonly used method to put dogs to permanent sleep. You must assume that it would be a painful process for your buddy, but trust me, it is not as painful as the deadly disease your dog is fighting.

Take a little time off work to recover from the incident.  It can be a good idea to bring a family member or friend along for support and help. If you wish, some veterinarians will consider coming to your home.

If your pet is already in the hospital, you can request a visit and say your goodbyes. If your dog is already under anesthesia, agreeing to Euthanasia without awakening him and seeing him later will be a good idea.

What Exactly Happens During Euthanasia

In Euthanasia, a vet injects a high dose of anesthesia into your dog’s vein. He will probably inject this medicine into the vein of his back leg, but this can be injected anywhere in his body.

You have to sign a consent form to show your will for the process. If your dog is moving in pain and uncomfortable, then the vet may give him a sedative to put him to sleep.

After the injection, you will see his muscles relaxing, and in most cases, the pets will empty their bladder.

A dog can make a little scream as the needle is penetrated his skin; all anesthetics cause a temporary sense of dizziness as the medication takes action. Loss of consciousness occurs quickly, sometimes before the injection is completed. When the heart stops, death happens in a matter of a few minutes.

If the dog is sick or has a weak circulatory system, it may take more time. It may be hard for the veterinarian to locate a vein in this situation. The great majority of euthanasias go cleanly and rapidly, with the animal experiencing little to no pain. Even if there are complications, it is still a simple process that can spare your dog days or even weeks of pain and misery.

What Happens After Euthanasia

The majority of people choose cremation, which the vet handles. Typically, this is a community funeral with other pets, but you can request that your dog’s ashes be returned; this may be costly.

There is a pet cemetery that vets generally know about, or you may take the body home and bury it yourself. If you’re not sure, vets can usually keep the body while you think about it. Do not be afraid to ask if you can retain a strand of hair or have a ritual performed, such as reciting a prayer – vets are used to these demands and will be understanding.

Please don’t feel sorry or blame yourself – the choice to put down your dog is made with their best interests in mind to prevent his pain and misery.

Should You Stay With Your Dog During This Process?

It totally depends on you, if you are strong enough to see your old friend going away, you should stay with your dog otherwise don’t.

Well, I personally suggest you stay in the room with the vet while your dog is being injected. These are the last moments of your friend, don’t leave him alone in this situation; give him the best final moments to feel relaxed seeing his beloved owner in the room; otherwise, he may panic.

Make His Last Day, His Best Day

Bring some sweets, tell lies. At the very exact moment, smile and weep. Arrange a room with all of your dog’s favorite toys, pillows, and clothes. It’s OK to tear, and it is also acceptable to smile! I enjoy it when individuals tell me they went on holiday with their pet or sat in the sunshine with their dog while arriving at the clinic.

This will be one of the most challenging moments of your life, but this doesn’t become that way for your dog. I guarantee the more you honor your friend’s life, no matter how shorter or longer it was, the smoother it will be to carry on living your own when all of this is finished.

Take an off from the office if possible and take your buddy to his favorite park or beach.

It is OK to hug your buddy and cry in front of him. As I said earlier, they are clever enough to pick up even small clues; your tears will give him a feeling that you care for him and love him. But remember, don’t make it a mourning situation; you should only enjoy them and create your dog’s last moments, the best moments of his life.

Be Ready And Be Prepared

Make sure that this moment is only about you and your pet. Don’t allow anybody else to disturb you both. To begin, you must understand the euthanasia procedure. If necessary, speak with your veterinarian or technician before going to the hospital or starting the course; ask them to guide you through the processes of Euthanasia, so you understand what to assume.

To feel confident with the procedure, ask questions as you will need to. Know what you’re getting yourself into so you can concentrate only on your dog.

Don’t Remove The Collar

You should not remove your dog’s collar right after the injection. Your dog may be alive and feel that his collar is gone.

Collars are just like crowns for dogs, and they wear them with pride. Removing the collar may bring up negative feelings in your dog, and I am sure you don’t want your buddy to have negative emotions in the last moments.

It would be best to make your dog as comfortable as possible during this whole process, so make sure not to make any changes right after the injection.

Dogs are cleverer than we think; they can pick up small clues to find something wrong. Even if there is nothing wrong, they may pick clues to know that something is new or changed, which may trigger their emotions and senses.

Let them depart in the condition they have always been in.

After The Euthanasia, It’s OK To Cry

After this whole process, you can either take your dog’s body with you to bury him in a good place or leave all this to the vet staff. Please don’t feel ashamed to show your emotions, and the vet staff has already seen many owners laying their pets to rest. Let your health lighten up with a bit of tear flow.

Take Care Of Yourself After He Is Gone

Sign any necessary papers. The bill must be paid. Decide on follow-up. Plan your next food in advance, watch a movie, ask friends to come over – anything you believe will help you manage when you come back from the hospital without your dog with the side you.

The less stress you have before, though, and after Euthanasia, the healthier it would be for you.

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