Can Dogs Eat Butterscotch

Dogs find Butterscotch famously delicious, and they go crazy for it. As a dog owners, we know that it must have been hard for you not to give your dog Butterscotch when it craves it. But remember that the dog’s health is more important than anything else. Well, the arising question here is that dogs can eat Butterscotch. You must be thinking that as well, right?

Yes, of course! Dogs can have Butterscotch as a treat when they do something good or show some obedience but do remember that too much sugar is never suitable for dogs. Let us know some interesting details about a dog having Butterscotch, its benefits, and its risks. Hang in there!

can dogs eat butterscotch

Is Butterscotch toxic for dogs?

Can dogs eat Butterscotch? We know the answer to that question is yes! Now, if you are wondering that Butterscotch can be dangerous if your dog consumes it, then you might need to get some of your concepts clear. Butterscotch is not toxic for the dog’s health at all, but if you let your dog eat it in a large amount, you are indeed harming it.

Some people say that Butterscotch is not suitable for a dog’s health, just like any candy. Why is that so? Too much sugar will let your dog suffer from many health risks that can even lead to death. Hence, always make sure your dog has Butterscotch in a significantly less amount.

What happens if the dog eats more than recommended Butterscotch?

Your dog will be all fine if it has eaten Butterscotch, then why do some of them get sick after having delicious Butterscotch. Let us tell you why? The condition of your dog after having Butterscotch entirely depends on the amount your dog has consumed. There are no specific nutrients present in butterscotch candy, just a lot of sugar and preservatives.

Dogs do not require any sugar or preservatives as their nutrient requirement, so there is no need to significantly add it to their diet. If a dog eats a lot of Butterscotch, it will increase its weight and produce complications for the dog. Instead, we recommend you to give any other tasty treat to your dog but that in a small amount as well.

What serious health concerns dog can suffer?

When a dog consumes a lot of Butterscotch, it can suffer from a lot of health concerns.

First, the dog will start putting on weight and is at the risk of getting obese. Obesity can further complicate the dog’s situation as an obese dog is more likely to get hip or elbow dysplasia. That’s right! Is it the only problem? Wrong!

Yes right! As your dog gets overweight and is consuming a lot of sugar, diabetes is not anything unusual for that dog. The dog can get diabetic soon, which can be very problematic for it and you.

Third, you might observe your dog shaking when it eats a lot of Butterscotch. Can this be true? We are afraid it is! Some other symptoms that are more likley to appear in a dog after eating a lot of Butterscotch include diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.

Last but not least, when your dog eats Butterscotch candy, the sugar residues most probably will be stuck in its teeth. When they remain in your canine’s mouth for a long time, cavities build up and lead to tooth decay. You certainly don’t want this to happen! Then cut back on your dog’s Butterscotch intake.

What to do?

If your dog has any of the symptoms mentioned above, wait for a few hours first, approximately 3 to 4. Then if it does not get okay, it is time to reach a vet and get the condition diagnosed. Do not let your dog take that much Butterscotch in the first place to avoid all such fuss.

Which ingredient of Butterscotch is not suitable for dogs?

Have you ever thought about what makes Butterscotch unhealthy for dogs? We are here to guide you! If we see the composition of Butterscotch, it contains heavy cream, salt, brown sugar, butter, and vanilla extract. All ingredients are somehow tolerable, but only if taken in minor amounts, except vanilla extract.

Why is that so?

Although it contains many concentrated vanilla beans, the thing that could make the dog severely sick is alcohol. Vanilla Extract can make your dog suffer from seizures, lethargy, dehydration, low heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, and disorientation. However, if you cook vanilla extract before giving it to the pup, it becomes safe as all the alcohol vanishes in cooking.

But this fact doesn’t make all the other ingredients entirely safe. Remember! We have mentioned that only small amounts of other components are tolerable. Be careful! If you let your dog consume other elements just as much as they want, they might get more dangerous than a bit of vanilla extract.

Does Butterscotch candy increase the chance of choking?

Usually, owners give their four-legged companion butterscotch in the form of candy. In puppies, but also if you are giving your adult dog candy, you should be concerned about it. Butterscotch or any other sweet, if given to the dog to eat independently, can be hazardous. Think I am exaggerating? Nope! When a dog eats a hard candy, there are chances it may not chew it accidentally or adequately swallows it without chewing. It makes your dog susceptible to choking and can be fatal for it as well.

What if the dog starts choking?

As the risk as mentioned earlier, if the dog somehow chokes on having this candy, what should you do? First, and most importantly, you have to act super fast because choking can make your dog die in just minutes. Grab your dog’s mouth, open it forcefully, and look into it if you can see the candy. If you can see it clearly, try to dislodge it using your fingers. It is the fastest and immediate solution for a choking dog on candy or any other hard object.

What if you don’t see the candy? Don’t panic and opt for the second option. Want to know what is that? The Heimlich maneuver! Now, the concept of the Heimlich maneuver is pulling out already present air in the dog outside the body so that the object or candy comes out along with air. How to do it? Let’s see!

Small dogs vs. large dogs:

On small dogs, you have to make them roll their back on the floor and right under their rib cage, put your palms on the belly. Push up and in with a steady motion, and it will dislodge the candy with the air, hopefully.

However, in large dogs, we are afraid getting them on their back is nearly impossible. So what we can do in that situation is wrap the arms around its body below the ribs, or we can say at the belly area. Pulling the hands up and forcing our fists to its body will make the air come out, which can surely help get out the candy.

What are the possible consequences of these procedures?

The dog will struggle to breathe in this condition, as being an innocent creature, it gets panics in such cases. As a reaction, it may try to, or be able to bite you, so be prepared for that. We know that it might be painful for the dog, but it is worth it when it comes to saving your dog’s life.

Also, your dog can throw out other food components as well as it is clear we have tried to force things out of its system. Additionally, your dog’s throat could get scratched and painful after the whole procedure. Consider consulting a vet in such a scenario.

How to offer your dog a Butterscotch candy in a safe manner?

After knowing the risks and possibilities of choking, we hope that you would not decide to give your dog the real candy to eat on its own, right? So what should you do now? Just hold the candy and let your dog lick t for about 15-20 minutes. In this way, the dog will enjoy the treat. Also, you will be satisfied that your dog safely has its favorite candy.

Is any Butterscotch treat excellent and safe for dogs?

All the Butterscotch foods have the same effect on the dogs and the similar guideline, “Less is good, and more is bad.” But some homemade Butterscotch recipes are better than a Butterscotch candy. Keep reading! Want to know how to prepare it?

How to make your dog’s favorite Butterscotch Snack at home?

Although this snack is better than Butterscotch candy, make sure you are not giving your dog plenty of it. Small amounts are ideal for this snack as well. Let us get started on how to prepare it.


  • 3 cups Rice Chex Cereal
  • ¼ Cup of Peanut Butter
  • ¼ Cup of butterscotch chips
  • Six nutter butter cookies


  • Grind all the cookies into smaller crumbs and chunks.
  • Put the peanut butter and butterscotch chips in the microwave and keep mixing them until there are no lumps left behind.
  • Put the rice in the previously prepared mixture and make sure all the grains are adequately coated.
  • Now put all the material in the bowl containing nutter butter cookie crunches, and mix them readily.
  • A healthy and delicious snack for your dog is prepared.
  • Don’t add extra sugar as the ingredients already have that much sugar which is tolerable for the dog.
  • Store the snack in an air-tight container or bag for later use.

Why is it recommended to keep the Butterscotch candies away from the dogs?

Usually, the dog doesn’t only eat the butterscotch candy, but if it sees a lot of them, it might consume all of them along with the plastic wrappers.

Does it seem dangerous?

We are sure it is! When present inside the dog’s body, the plastic wrapper causes intestinal obstruction and irritates the GIT lining. To treat this condition, your vet will do some surgical interventions, which are way too much for a dog; hence, it is pretty essential to keep these candies away from your pup.

How to keep them away?

First of all, make sure all the family members, including children, know the risk of offering candies to a dog. Especially, guide them not to put them with wrappers in front of the dog as it might chew it all.

If you have Butterscotch candies stored in your house, dogs can smell them as smelling is their most strong quality. Store them somewhere your dog cannot reach any cost.

If you have dumped something related to Butterscotch in the trash, your dog will indeed smell it, then what? It will reach the bin and take all the stuff out of it. Keep the container away from the dog.

Is Butterscotch pudding safe for dogs?

Just a little pudding is no harm for the dogs, but why a lot is not? Let’s get into that deeply. Butterscotch pudding contains a lot of carbohydrates, which means too much sugar. The dog is already consuming carbohydrates from the rest of its diet, and you don’t want to overload it. Many carbs, especially those in the pudding, can lead to various complications such as heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, and dental issues.

What about milk?

An experienced dog owner must be well aware of the fact that milk is not suitable for dogs. Most of the dogs are lactose intolerant, so we do not recommend a lot of milk to avoid any risks. Pudding contains milk content to prevent conditions like vomiting, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, flatulence, and loose bowel movement, don’t give too much of it.

Nutritional Value:

Just like Butterscotch, Butterscotch pudding has zero nutrients in it. All it has is sugar and a lot of sugar. Who says sugar is suitable for dogs? At least not a sensible person! So, it is better not to let your dog have something that isn’t beneficial at all.

Cream• Cream is not toxic for your dog but make sure the dog is not lactose intolerant.
• Cream for the dog suffering from gas or diarrhea can worsen the situation.
• Can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.
Butter• Butter is considered safe for dogs.
• A little extra dose and build up unhealthy and extra fat leading towards serious health concerns.
Eggs• Eggs are entirely safe and healthy for your pup.
• They offer a lot of nutrients to the dog, and fulfill its nutrient requirements.
• Good source of fatty acids, vitamins, and proteins for dogs.
Brown Sugar• Brown sugar is not good for dog’s health as it can lead to definite weight gain and cavities.
• Small intake doesn’t harm that much but a little high dose can lead to various concerns like CVDs and diabetes.
Salt• Brown sugar is not good for dog’s health as it can lead to definite weight gain and cavities.
• Small intake doesn’t harm that much but a little high dose can lead to various concerns like CVDs and diabetes.
• Limited amount of salts are good for mineral content of the dog.
• It is good to limit salt as high salt content can lead to water deprivation or salt poisoning which can trigger seizures, vomiting and diarrhea.
Vanilla Extract• Vanilla extract is considered toxic for dogs due to higher alcoholic content which is harmful for dogs.
Unsalted Butter• No matter the butter is salted or unsalted, the effect of its composition will be the same on dogs as, it is a dairy product.

Bottom Line:

Can dogs have Butterscotch? Yes, why not? But have you ever considered what nutrients does it provide? Although it is not toxic, having just a little more than a minimal quantity can lead to various risks. So, in our opinion, please don’t make your dog have a lot of Butterscotch and put its health to risk, instead opt for any other healthy treat or snack, which a dog can enjoy and get something nutritious as well.

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